Peak2Park event is held on the first Sunday of March each year.
Sunday 2 March, 2025.
- 10km event (run/walk)
- 4km event (run/walk)
Both events follow set courses (see map under "Event Info") which start at Picnic Point and finish at Lake Annand.
*NOTE: Deviation from the clearly marked set course will alter readings on wearable devices with GPS tracking.
There is no age limit for either event and we are aware that many families will want to walk the full course together as part of a special day out.
Children who intend participating in the 4km or 10km events must do so under the supervision of their parent or a guardian and should be entered and wearing a bib number. It is up to the parent or guardian to decide if their child is capable of completing and enjoying the longer course.
The parent/guardian is responsible for the health and safety of their child/children/subjects of guardianship competing in the 4km or 10km events at all times.
We encourage families to participate together - many intergenerational groups make Peak2Park an annual outing for their extended families.
The 10km event starts marshalling at approximately 6:30am for a 7:00am start.
The 4km event starts marshalling at approximately 7:15am for a 7:45am starts.
* NOTE: Start times are at the discretion of Police who support event organisers with road management.
All participants should be back to Lake Annand by around 9:00am.
Participants will be marshalled to begin both events at respective start points, and participants must wait for a clear "start" signal which will indicate the beginning of the 10km and then the 4km distances.
In the interest of safety, it is the right of the organisers to remove any person/participant from the course, who starts the event prior to the official ‘start’ signal or does not follow the instructions of Police and/or Event Marshalls.
The Peak2Park is timed from the start signal of the 10km event at Picnic Point, and the event time clock will continuing running from this point and will be visible at the finishing line at Lake Annand.
Individuals are not officially timed. The philosophical emphasis of Peak2Park is not competition, but participation.
Entry rates are:
Same price for both 4km and 10km events.
- Individual Entrants:
Early Bird - $36.84 (until 7 Feb 2025)
Regular - $42.11 (from 8 Feb 2025) - Age-based discounts are applied at checkout. The fees below are the set rates for children attending Peak2Park. You will not be charged the adult rates noted above for children.
Ages 3 and under - Free
Ages 4 to 10 years - $10.00/per child
Ages 11 to 17 - $15.00/per child
* NOTE: All proceeds go to beneficiary charities. We do not give refunds, as all entry costs are donated to beneficiary charities.
You can register online.
Register onlineOr, register in person at the Peak2Park at Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre, Kitchener Street, Toowoomba, during business opening hours leading up to the event.
Late entry will also be available on the day of the event (from 6:00am at the Bandstand at Picnic Point), but we recommend participants pre-register to avoid the large crowds in the Registration/Marshalling area on the day.
Faxed or emailed entries will not be accepted.
Start Training!
Group training sessions are available to Peak2Park participants in the lead-up to the event. These sessions take place at Queens Park (Corner Godsall & Hume Streets) every Tuesday at 6am. Updates are posted regularly to the Peak2Park Toowoomba FACEBOOK page.
Alternatively you can download the Peak2Park Training Program and start training at home and/or by following the routes for the 4km and 10km events.
Community, corporate or school groups are encouraged to wear uniforms or costumes which identify their groups. Peak2Park is a fun and family friendly event, so get your friends and family together for a great morning out and help us raise much needed funds for local charities!
You will need to keep your event bib and wear this on the day to ensure entry. On the back of your event bib there is a section for an emergency contact name and number. Please ensure this is filled out before starting the event. It is the right of the event organisers to remove any person without a bib number from the course.
Follow us on Facebook @Peak2ParkToowoomba and Instagram @peak2parktoowoomba for updates and information in the lead up to the event.
Please be advised of the following road closures and times:
Both 10km and 4km events:
Tourist Road from entry to Picnic Point to Heller Street Heller Street from Picnic Point to South Street Leslie Street from South Street to Alderley Street View Street and Bright Street.
10km event:
Leslie Street and Collier Streets Rowbotham Street from Collier to Spring Street.
4km event:
Alderley Street from Rowbotham Street to Aberdeen Street.
All Road Closures will be in place by 7:00am.
Police will advise when roads will be reopened.
Police, supported by State Emergency Service volunteers, will monitor all traffic along the 4km and 10km courses. Participants need to obey directions given by police/traffic managers.
Please show courtesy to others and be mindful of younger runners and walkers.
Drop off areas will be designated at Picnic Point until 6:30am. After 6:30am this area will be closed off and only accessible to pedestrian traffic.
Depending on recent rainfall, the off-street parking area at Heller Street Park, off Rowbotham Street may not be available for use. In this case, please park in side streets or be early and use available parking in Picnic Point area.
Parking is also available in nearby streets, please show consideration for residents of these areas. Don’t park across driveways and footpaths and always obey road/parking signs. Think and act safely!
Those who are arranging transport after the event from Lake Annand need to be aware that they cannot have close access to the finish area, due to road closures and to the congestion created by pedestrians who are participating in the event. Please arrange a mutually convenient place for pick up which is not in the immediate vicinity of the event finish location.
We also recommend car pooling where possible, this will help limit traffic congestion and also reduce our carbon footprint!
Due to a lack of patronage for this service in the past, we no longer offer a shuttle bus service.
Participants are required to find their own way back to collect vehicles from the event start. The shortest route to return to Picnic Point from Lake Annand is east along Long Street and straight through roundabout at High Street to Tourist Road.
Water stations are situated at approximately 2-3 km intervals along both the 4km and 10km courses.
No facility will be provided for storage of personal items.
Strollers or prams are permitted but entrants who bring one will be required to start at the rear of each event, behind all other walkers/runners. This includes "running" prams.
For health and safety reasons, pets are not allowed on course.
Registered guide dogs are OK.
For health and safety reasons, bikes, roller-skates, roller-blades, skateboards and scooters are not allowed on the course.
Any lost child or adult will be:
Directed to the Information Areas which will be located at the Bandstand at Picnic Point and Lake Annand.
It is very important that Emergency Contact Details on the back of all race bibs are:
Filled out correctly, this will also help us locate parents/guardians of lost children.
When participating with family, friends or in a group:
It is advised that you discuss and select a designated meeting point at the finishing area before the event starts.
This will ensure that if any members of your group get separated on the course, you can easily find each other at the end of the event.
If you require help during the event:
Please see Peak2Park event officials. Event officials will be wearing ‘Peak2Park Official’ yellow hi-visibility safety vests, and will be located at the Bandstand at Picnic Point and the Bandstand at Lake Annand. There will also be officials located at points along the 4km & 10km courses.
First Aid:
Volunteers from community first aid services will be based near the finishing area at Lake Annand and also at the water station on Aberdeen Street.
The event finishes at:
Lake Annand Park.
Fruit and water is available for:
Event participants at the refreshment tents located near the finish line.
Beneficiary charities and corporate sponsors are:
Usually represented at the end of the event with a stand or tent.
Please offer them your support with any promotions they have on the day.
Beneficiary charities are invited to speak to the assembled crowd:
After the majority of runners and walkers from both events have returned to Lake Annand.
Make sure you check the Peak2Park Facebook and Instagram pages and Peak2Park website for photos and news from the event.
The event
The Peak2Park event will proceed rain, hail or shine unless there is an extreme weather event
Event infoTraining
Check out our online Training Guide with an 8 week program and three intensity levels!
Training guide