"Come one, come all, let's hit the trail,
And run or walk, without fail,
From Picnic Point to Lake Annand,
With every step, we lend a hand.
The Optimise Health Peak2Park event, Is more than just a run, my friend, It's a way to give and help out, And be a part of something that's about.
Our community, our strength, our pride, With every stride, we can provide, For local charities, in need of aid, Our support and love won't ever fade.
Through rain, through hail, through sun and shine, We'll cross the finish line, feeling fine, For we know we've made a difference, With every step, our hearts in sync.
Peak2Park, a legacy to cherish,
An event that continues to nourish,
Our passion for fitness, for good cause,
With every year, we never pause.
So let's lace up, and take the lead, And show the world, our community's creed, That we can run, walk, and come together, To help each other, now and forever."
What else do you need to know?

Bib collection
Individuals and families:
Bibs can be collected from Willows Health and Lifestyle Centre on Kitchener Street, Toowoomba from early February.
School and corporate groups:
Please liaise with the Peak2Park coordinator for bulk bib collections.
Be sure to complete the EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS on the reverse side of your bib.

Event Start times
Registration on the day:
Will be open from 6am.
10km event:
Commences at 7am.
4km event:
Commences at 7:45am (or at Police discretion).
At the event:
Please listen and watch for directives of the Peak2Park volunteers (yellow and orange safety vests) and follow the guidance of Police, SES staff and course marshals along the event courses.

Water Stations
There are multiple water stations on the 10km and 4km course however we encourage participants to bring water.
Fruit and water will be available at the finish line.

Storage of items
Please arrange your own item storage as there are no facilities available.

Transport /Parking /Drop-off
Please be early to park in the grassed area at Picnic Point prior to the event. Please be mindful of residents when parking in the surrounding streets and do not park across drive ways.
Remember to follow the directions of Police and SES volunteers for the parking/drop off zone.
Check out our online Training Guide with an 8 week program and three intensity levels!
Training guideOur Vision
We would like to thank our foundation partners Black Canvas, Indigo Web, Vision Exercise Physiology and Willows Health and Lifestyle Centre, along with the many other wonderful sponsors that continue to support Peak2Park, including Optimise Health, Queensland Government, Green Lion Design, Hit 100.7, Medibank, Axiom Insurance, Fence Hire Australia, Browns the Greener Dry Cleaner, Compass Business Accountants, Cosmetic Elegance and Peak Performance Sports Physiotherapy,